MS3402 Connector • Mil Spec Type • (TF02)


The TF02 (MS3402 type) box mount receptacle has a standard four hole flange for front or rear panel mounting. The low rear profile is designed for confined enclosures and does not permit the use of backshells. Protective covers and a gasket are recommended to protect contacts and seal the mounting location. Compatible with MIL-DTL-5015 / SAE AS50151.

Cross-Reference & Compatibility

Compatible BrandsEquivalentsMates
MIL-DTL-5015 CrimpMS3402MS3406, MS3408, MS3409, MS3496

Top 10 MS3402 Partnumbers – Use Part Builder for all

Mil Spec Part NumberMilnec Part NumberDatasheetCheck Inventory
MS3402D22-22PChat with Sales!
MS3402D28-21SChat with Sales!
MS3402D28-21PChat with Sales!
MS3402D16S-1SChat with Sales!
MS3402D24-28PChat with Sales!
MS3402D12S-3SChat with Sales!
MS3402D14S-7SChat with Sales!
MS3402D18-1PChat with Sales!
MS3402D18-4PChat with Sales!
MS3402D16-10PChat with Sales!